About Us
TM Tours & Travel Sdn Bhd is a leading Muslim Tour Operator established since 1991 with main activities which includes Ticketing, Inbound & Outbound Tours, Umrah, Hajj, MICE, Accommodations, Transportation, Car Rentals, VIP Vehicles Rentals, Tailor Made Programs as we cater for Domestic and International markets.
As a Tour Designer, Holiday Planner and Trip Advisor with vast experience and consultant that offers full travel tips with various product knowledge. We are here to assist you to search the right vacation with value for your money and to meet your touring budget.
Mision Statement
To provide product and services of the highest quality and deliver more value to our customers that ears their respect and loyalty.
Vision Statement
To view change in ther market as an opportunity to grow; using our ability to develop and produce innovative products and services that satisfy customer needs.
Our Motto: "Always With You"
As a tour designer, holiday planner and trip advisor with vast experience and a consultant with full of travel tips and product knowledge, we will enable you to search for the right vacation for value-for-money and meet your tourisng budget.
We registered with:
- Ministry of Tourism, Art and Culture of Malaysia
- Ministry of Finance of Malaysia
- IATA (Member Number: 20310522)
- Malaysia Association of Tour & Travel Agents (MATTA)
- Bumiputera Travel and Tours Association (BUMITRA)
- Licence with Tabung Haji for pilgrimage (Hajj)
Our Services
Why Choose TM Tours ?
Vast experience on Product knowledge in Tourism Industry
Honest feedback from Customers. Trustworthy product and service.
Product & Services provided base on value for money.
Peace of Mind, our Buyer Protection Scheme to protect our Customers.
Fast response time, save time by using our Help Desk
We operate 100% Muslim Tours, we arrange only Halal meals through our representatives.
Awards By
SME 100
Amazing Thailand
Accredited By
hear our customer's testimonial..
Alhamdulillah. Khidmat cemerlang TM Tours & Travel serta Muassasah menguruskan ibadah kami bermula sampai di Madinah & Mekah hingga balik mmg terbaik. Cuma menu makan di Hotel 5 star Le Meridian perlu diperbaiki.
Very knowledgeable about the places that we go and very friendly. Responsible with the job scope that he do, everything is going well under his organizing.
Alhamdulillah, bersyukur kami & nikmat menjadi tetamu Allah yg sangat indah bersama TM Tours & Travel. Walaupun norma baharu, bantuan oleh muassasah di Madinah & Mekah serta bimbingan dari Mutawwif sangat memudahkan kami melakukan ibadah ditambah dengan sahabat-sahabat yang sangat membantu antara satu sama lain.
Very helpful and kind tour guide. All the information given throughout the journey was very helpful. He is kinda funny anyway. He is trying so hard to bring us tour all the interesting places there.
Kepada TM Tours & Travel serta ustaz yang membimbing sepanjang perjalanan, saya cukup berterima kasih tak terhingga. Segala tunjuk ajar dari ustaz, perjalanan TM Tours & Travel serta rakan jemaah seramai 24 orang ini bagai keluarga. Sungguh puas hati. Terima kasih sahaja yang dapat diucap. Semoga Allah membalas kebaikan kalian.
Pembimbing ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Schedule ke Arafah, Muzdalifah, Minna, melontar Jamrah tawaf dan sae’i yg tersusun tanpa sebarang sabotaj dari muasasah dan segalanya dipermudahkan Allah | Dapat membuat umrah selepas haji sebanyak 3 kali.
Friendly leader, easy to negotiate. Very helpful and the information given throughout the trip is clear and understandable. Such a kind-hearted person and help us a lot for some cases of emergency.